
The Sorcerer: Skills Glyphs Weapons Armour

Flaming Barrage
Skill information
Tooltip description
Flaming BarrageFlaming Barrage
Cast time 1.5sec
MP cost 600
Cooldown 3sec
Base Damage X
Press the skill button once and mouseover to lock on to 4 targets within 18m, then press the skill button again or left-click to shoot at all targets.
Level 20 and above
Class Sorcerer
Source Magic Instructor
Target Enemies
Mana cost 600
Range 18m
Cast time 1.5sec
Cooldown 3sec

Flaming Barrage is an active skill that can be taught to Sorcerers at level 20 and can be ranked up at later levels.

Flaming Barrage can be performed with a disc by the Sorcerer to lock onto up to 4 opponents at once and deal quite a lot of damage. Its low cooldown makes it great for kiting. It is great for PvP because it hits quite hard, cannot be dodged, and doesn't really require aiming. However, precisely because of the need to lock on, this skill is not so efficient for pulling mobs as AoE, unless if they are spread far apart.

In PVE the problem is that the skill has 1× crit chance, which makes it useless in PVE. With Apex skills you can ignore fillers like this and unbind whole skill.

Amount of damage dealt varies dependent on skill rank.

Rank table[]

To obtain and upgrade Flaming Barrage, one must find a Magic Instructor and pay a certain price of gold dependent on rank.

Rank Level Cost Damage
I 20 17Silver coin 06Copper coin 211
II 32 96Silver coin 91Copper coin 450
III 44 6Gold coin 67Silver coin 42Copper coin 958
IV 56 30Gold coin 94Silver coin 06Copper coin 2040


To glyph Flaming Barrage, a glyph must be obtained and learned only once. At level 60, a character has 50 glyph points available to spend on all available sorcerer glyphs. Most glyphs, specifically common glyphs can be purchased from a Glyph Master, while fine glyphs must be looted from enemies.

(Disclaimer: As NPC shop prices vary depending on a variety of factors, the prices below are subject to variation. Only take them as benchmarks.)

Icon Name Skill Level Glyph Points Cost Description
Flaming Barrage Glyph Glyph of Brilliance Flaming Barrage 20 4 49Silver coin 23Copper coin Decreases MP consumption by 150.
Flaming Barrage Glyph Glyph of Multiplication Flaming Barrage 20 4 49Silver coin 23Copper coin Increases number of lock-on targets by 1.
Mana Siphon Glyph Glyph of Blaze Mana Siphon 20 2 49Silver coin 23Copper coin Speeds casting by 25% for Flaming Barrage, the next skill in the chain.
Burning Breath Glyph Glyph of Powerlink Burning Breath 44 4 19Gold coin 25Silver coin 25Copper coin Increases skill damage for the next chain skill by 35%: Flaming Barrage.



Flaming Barrage

v · d · e Sorcererminiicon Sorcerer skills
Damage Arcane Pulse Arcane PulseBurning Breath Burning BreathFireball FireballMeteor Strike Meteor StrikeFlame Pillar Flame PillarFlaming Barrage Flaming BarrageMagma Bomb Magma BombPainblast PainblastPainful Trap Painful TrapVoid Pulse Void PulseLightning Strike Lightning StrikeNova skill icon Nova
Control Hail Storm Hail StormIce Needle Ice NeedleLightning Trap Lightning TrapMana Volley Mana VolleyMindblast MindblastNerve Exhaustion Nerve ExhaustionTime Gyre Time Gyre
Defense Backstep (Sorcerer) Backstep (Sorcerer)Glacial Retreat Glacial RetreatRetaliate (Sorcerer) Retaliate (Sorcerer)Teleport Jaunt (Sorcerer) Teleport Jaunt (Sorcerer)Warp Barrier
Utility Mana Siphon Mana Siphon
Effect Burst of Celerity Burst of CelerityMana Barrier Mana BarrierMana Infusion (Sorcerer) Mana Infusion (Sorcerer)Overchannel OverchannelStone Skin Stone SkinMana Boost
Apex Ice LancesFusionImplosion
