v · d · ePartying
Tank Offense Healing
Instance Matching Looking for Group

A party is a group of players varying from two to five in dept of accomplishing a goal together.

It's possible to form parties in open world to show each others location. Also some quests (like killing monsters) complete for all party members. Some priest and mystic buffs affect only members of party (generally Apex buffs, check [1] for reference]).

Loot picked up by any member of party is distributed by rolling, either automatic or manually.

Parties are automatically formed when entering dungeon with Instance Matching system. Leaving party with command /drop also exits you from dungeon.

Raid in TERA is formed from parties (maximum of 6 parties and 30 players). Raid leader may move players to different parties. Certain buffs are still only party-wide and don't affect all raid.

Parties have private chat channel. Chat command line commands relevant to parties:

/join <player> makes party with player
/kick <player> removes player from party (req. vote if 3 or more members)
/drop, /quit leaves party
/invite <player>, /inv <player> invites player to party
/disband disbands party (may req. vote)
/leader <player>, /promote <player> makes player leader of party
/all <player> joins this party to raid
/p select party chat channel
/i select raid chat channel
/n select raid commander notifications channel

