Title Azart Prime
Race Draakon
Level 67
Reaction Hostile Hostile
Classification Dungeon Boss
Location Verrak Fortress

Lumikan (루크미아, "Lukemia") is one of the leaders of Draakons. Her title hints that she's the most high ranking of the triad. She appears in the Black Core Engine Room in Verrak Fortress.

Lumikan appears as dungeon boss in The Catalepticon (Korean "Lumikan's Illusion") released in KTERA December 2020.[1]).

Around the time of Kalligar's defeat Lumikan plans to destroy the world by crashing Exodor to ground by absorbing the power of Vergos.[2]



The Catalepticon is one of those single-boss dungeons that were released after Exodor based on player feedback. Mechanics of bosses are slightly more complicated that before. Well not really. Mechanics are more related to dodging as she has numerous fire AOEs you have to avoid.

Lumikan has two swords and her attacks resemble warrior class. Many AOEs follow certain attacks from familiar warrior skills. Although at some point she merges her swords into one and uses valkyrie class combo.

Dirty Blood debuff[]

Getting hit by any AOE attacks applies Dirty Blood debuff, which has damage-over-time. If you get 5 stacks of Dirty Blood you insta-explode and take anyone nearby with you (also wiping any evidence who exploded killing others). In normal mode debuff only stays 15 seconds, but refreshes every time you get hit, so stay side if you get stacks. Usually you die to bleed before stacks explode, unless healer is good.

Pizza AOE[]

Lumikan's speciality. After certain mechanics Pizza AOEs happen. Safe zone is blue area behind the boss, then on front of boss on quite narrow sector. This means you have to dodge through the boss and back.

Line AOEs[]

"Are you warmed up yet? Watch out beneath your feet."

This places an arrow under each player's feet. After a sec line fire AOE happens, it's direction is where boss faces. In hard mode fire AOE forms a cross front-back-left-right of each player.

The Nightmare Begins Now[]

Main mechanic. "Bring me Immortal Blood and stay close!" Happens only below 35% of boss HP and repeats every 80 seconds if you didn't finish boss.

Lumikan throws in front of her and behind her a fiercy skull. Two players have to pick up the skull and come together. Usually it's healer and tank, although any ranged dps can accidentally get the skull and must know the mechanic. Bringing two skulls together applies a 4 second invulnerability (graphical indicator is same as berserker's skill Unbreakable has), since boss next does a wipe mechanic. Don't pop up invulnerability too early. Beware: skull can hit a player when thrown and kill them, after is disappears. This will 100% lead to wipe.

In solo version picking up one skull is enough.

Nightmare Minions[]

Mechanics only happens in hard mode. Few skeletons follow after boss. Walking. Slowly. (what they actually do if they reach her?) Well, tank has to move boss around once in a while and also healer can sleep them.

This is getting tight![]

hard mode only. Damaging puddles are placed under players.


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