
The Priest: Skills Glyphs Weapons Armour

Mana Infusion (Priest)
Skill information
Tooltip description
Mana Infusion (Priest)Mana Infusion (Priest)
Cast time 4.5sec
Cooldown 10sec
You regen 100 MP every 1sec for 20sec. Ends if you take damage or use a combat skill or item.
Level 2 and above
Class Priest
Source Magic Instructor
Target Self
Cast time 4.5sec
Cooldown 10sec

Mana Infusion (Priest) is an active skill that can be taught to Priests at level 2. It cannot be ranked up at later levels.

Mana Infusion (Priest) can be performed with a staff by the Priest to regain MP over time. Because it cannot be ranked up, priests quickly outgrow this skill.

Rank table[]

To obtain Mana Infusion (Priest), one must find a Magic Instructor and pay a certain price of gold.

Rank Level Cost MP Regained per 1sec
I 2 36Copper coin 100


To glyph Mana Infusion (Priest), a glyph must be obtained and learned only once. At level 60, a character has 50 glyph points available to spend on all available priest glyphs. Most glyphs, specifically common glyphs can be purchased from a Glyph Master, while fine glyphs must be looted from enemies.

(Disclaimer: As NPC shop prices vary depending on a variety of factors, the prices below are subject to variation. Only take them as benchmarks.)

Icon Name Skill Level Glyph Points Cost Description
Mana Infusion Glyph Glyph of Spirit Mana Infusion (Priest) 20 5 49Silver coin 23Copper coin Increases MP regeneration by 20%.
Mana Infusion Glyph Glyph of Haste Mana Infusion (Priest) 20 3 49Silver coin 23Copper coin Speeds casting by 25%.



Mana Infusion (Priest)

v · d · e Priestminiicon Priest skills
Damage Divine Radiance Divine RadianceFinal Reprisal Final ReprisalMetamorphic Blast (Priest) Metamorphic Blast (Priest)Shocking Implosion Shocking ImplosionTriple Nemesis Triple NemesisZenobia's Vortex Zenobia's Vortex
Control Ishara's Lullaby Ishara's LullabyPlague of Exhaustion Plague of ExhaustionPrayer of Peace Prayer of Peace
Defense Backstep (Priest) Backstep (Priest)Fiery Escape Fiery EscapeRetaliate (Priest) Retaliate (Priest)
Utility Arise AriseHomeward Bound Homeward BoundMana Charge Mana ChargeSummon: Party (Priest) Summon: Party (Priest)Divine Intervention
Recovery Divine Respite Divine RespiteFocus Heal Focus HealHeal Thyself Heal ThyselfHealing Circle Healing CircleHealing Immersion Healing ImmersionPurifying Circle Purifying CircleRegeneration Circle Regeneration CircleRestorative Burst Restorative BurstResurrect (Priest) Resurrect (Priest)File:Divine Prayer.png Divine Prayer
Effect Energy Stars Energy StarsGuardian Sanctuary Guardian SanctuaryGrace of Resurrection Grace of ResurrectionKaia's Shield Kaia's ShieldMana Infusion (Priest) Mana Infusion (Priest)Blessing of Shakan Blessing of Shakan Blessing of Arachne Blessing of ArachneBlessing of Balder Blessing of BalderBlessing of Seren Blessing of SerenBlessing of Zenobia Blessing of Zenobia
Apex Holy BurstDivine ChargeEdict of Judgment
