[Dungeon - 464] Hidden Enemy
Start S-start Aheaf
Level 65
Type Story
Location Verrak Fortress
Previous Vogzu's Summon

This is quest for Akalath Quarantine dungeon.


  • Speak with Aheaf in Verrak Fortress.
  • Enter Akalath Quarantine through the teleportal.
  • Defeat Akalath Travan.
  • Defeat Akalath Kashir.
  • Speak with Aheaf in Verrak Fortress.


Quest is marked as level 65. However Exodor quest line is required and it unlocks only at 68.

Quest name got never updated. As of AWAKE season (Mahtnan gear) AQ item level is 498. item level 464 is original.

You must finish quest Vogzu's Summon, which is automatically received after Exodor quest line. Vogzu is found in Free Exodor Temporary Camp on Verrak Fortress island. Aheaf is found inside Verrak Fortress dungeon.


Go to Aheaf inside the Verrak Fortress to check Vogzu's information.

(Your equipment level has to be at least 498 to enter this instance.)

He seems to have discovered a passage that leads inside the Verrak Fortress.

S-start Aheaf

Ah, you're here, .

After the Draakon Commanders left this place, I saw an area that I never saw before.

It's right over there. They weren't draakons...and they were definitely not nagas.

Will you go and help me understand what they are?

S-start Aheaf

Thank you . It's all clear now.

I must go and spread the news to everyone.

Summary Upon Completion[]


  • Emerald x5
  • Skill Optimization Scroll II x30

