Rescue the Core
Start S-start Fraya
End S-end Fraya
Level 48 (Requires 47)
Type Story
Location Fyrmount
Previous [Lvl48] Whereabouts of the Core
Next [Lvl50] Fraya's Faith
Money 45Gold coin
Experience 15,000,000
Item(s) class-based
Relic Fragment II

Rescue the Core is a level 48 story quest part of the Fraya's Fury quest chain. It is preceded by [Lvl48] Whereabouts of the Core and followed by [Lvl50] Fraya's Faith.


  1. Talk to Elleon
  2. Speak to Aarinia near the entrance to Fyrmount
  3. Use the Firebase Valor Teleport Scroll Firebase Valor Teleport Scroll and go to Elleon at Firebase Valor in northern Fyrmount
  4. Find Jelena at Bahaar's Maw
  5. Akasha's Orders <0/1>
    Kill Jirakar at Bahaar's Maw and retrieve Akasha's orders
  6. Akasha's Orders <1/1>
    Return to Jelena
  7. Akasha's Orders <1/1>
    Deliver Akasha's orders to Elleon
  8. Use the Teleportal to go to Fyrmount Abyss and join Elleon.
    [You can proceed by selecting "I am ready." after speaking with Elleon in Fyrmount Abyss.]
  9. Serion
    Protect The Core from Akasha's attack.
    [You can proceed by selecting "We'll be fine." after speaking The Core in Fyrmount Abyss.]
  10. Speak with Elleon
  11. Return to Castanica and speak with Fraya


S-start Fraya

Recovering the Core is critical. Without it, Allemantheia will collapse, swallowed by the desert sands.

This must end in Fyrmount. We bring Thulsa down... and avenge Kaidun.

(I'm on my way.)

I knew you'd want to see this through, [player name].

But I'm not going to send you alone. Talk to Elleon, and tell him he's got a mission, too.

S-progress Elleon

Once more into the breach, eh? I've always wanted to see Fyrmount for myself. I'm well traveled, but Fyrmount...that's something else.

Speaking of well traveled, Jelena might be a worthy traveling companion, too. I'll find her, but don't let me keep you. I can catch up... or wait for you when I get there.

(Will do.)

S-progress Aarinia

Excuse me... [player name]? Message from Elleon. For your ears only. He's gone ahead to do some preliminary scouting, and will meet you at Firebase Valor.


S-progress Elleon

How did I get here so fast? Always travel light, my friend.

I've got good news. Not only is Jelena along for the ride, but she's already got a line on Akasha.

Akasha's been spotted near Bahaar's Maw in the east. But be careful — that's a dangerous stretch of territory.

(Got it.)

S-progress Jelena

We meet again — as always, in the middle of nowhere. Why is it we never meet over drinks? Never mind. Akasha's henchmen are crawling around, but no sign of Akasha herself...

(Grab a henchman, then?)

For interrogation, right? Good call.

You're going after Jirakar in Bahaar's Maw east of here. Akasha's inner circle are fanatics, so Jirakar might fight to the death. Even so, it might draw Akasha out of hiding.

(For the federation.)

Let me see those orders.

Oh... this isn't good.

It says here that Akasha is taking Serion to Azarel's Labyrinth. We'll never find them in there. But if we can intercept them first...

Tell Elleon what you've learned. He'll know what to do.

(Got it.)

S-progress Elleon

[player name], I can see it on your face — you and Jelena found something, didn't you?

Out with it! I've never seen you two look so smug.

(Want to see Akasha's plans?)

If we can get to them before they reach Azarel's Labyrinth... yes! I think we can pull this off!

Jelena, you're even faster than I am. Report all this to Fraya.

[player name], you and I are going into the depths of Fyrmount... using that teleportal over there.


S-progress Elleon

Never forget that Akasha's a goddess. It will take all of our power to defeat her.

(I understand.)

Are you ready?

(Begin the battle with Akasha and Core Serion.)

S-progress Serion

Where am I? Who are you?

I had business in Allemantheia, but I don't seem to remember anything.

(We'll be fine.)

Akasha! Run!

(Protect Serion.)

S-progress Elleon

The Core is injured, but alive... barely.

We should get back to Castanica immediately and discuss what we'll do.

Take this teleportal scroll. I'll meet you at Castanica.


S-end Fraya

Serion's return is a ray of hope — provided he pulls through.

(How is he doing?)

Not well. Not only is he weak, but his control over the energies of the Core seems to be deteriorating. Our greatest sages seek a remedy, but I fear it's too late for Serion.

Here, I want you to have this.

(Thank you.)

Summary Upon Completion[]

Determined to rescue Serion — who contains the high elf Core within him — Fraya sent you to Fyrmount. With help from Elleon and Jelena, you defeated Akasha. But in the process, Serion was mortally wounded, putting the Core at risk.


  • 45Gold coin
  • 15,000,000 XP
  • Relic Fragment II
One of the following, determined by class:
List of Rewards
Retaliation Wanderfists Retribution Angershriek Vengeance Counter & Attack Unknown [edit] Awreak Animus Temperbite Reckoning Hostility Comeuppance


This quest has special instance Fyrmount Abyss.
