The Not-So-Great Escape
Start S-start Rhodos
End S-end Suspicious Barrel
Level 61 (Requires 60)
Type Story
Location Savage Reach
Previous [Lvl61] Mechanically Inclined
Next [Lvl61] Barreling In
Money 70Gold coin
Experience 5,944,515
Item(s) class-based
Relic Fragment III x 3
Credits 24 Vanguard Initiative Credits Vanguard Initiative Credits

The Not-So-Great Escape is a level 61 story quest part of the Savage Reach quest chain. It is preceded by [Lvl61] Mechanically Inclined and followed by [Lvl61] Barreling In.


  1. Find the route to Spring Valley
  2. Talk to Mihog
  3. Speak with Rhodos
  4. Mihog's Mount
    Look for Mihog
  5. See if the goblins have spotted Mihog
  6. Speak with the sentry
  7. Suspicious Barrel
    Find Mihoq


S-start Rhodos

The archedevas must have sent the Parthians. They can't make use of your ship either, but they clearly know of it.

(What's our next move?)

There are goblins in Spring Valley who will do anything for money.

If the archdevas are massing fighters there, the goblins will know.

Find out if it's safe.

S-progress Mihog

Oh! Um, my mount is, uh, hurt.

Can you help me?

(Let's get you some help.)

S-progress Rhodos

You let him get away!

Mihog was spying on us. Quick! He's hurt, so you might be able to catch him!

(I'll stop him.)

S-progress Mihog's Mount

(Mihog's mount lies dead. Blood cools on the ground and ripped garments lie nearby.)

(He's bandaged his wounds.)

S-progress Caravan Guard

Saw an injured runner.

He's no friend of ours. Go west.

(West? Thanks.)

S-progress Camp Sentry

A suspicious person?

Well, just the one who limped into the cave. Is that suspicious?

(Just a little.)

S-end Suspicious Barrel

(Drops of blood stain the wood of this barrel.)

(I wonder...)

Summary Upon Completion[]

While discussing plans with Rhodos, a spy overheard you. You gave chase and ended up somewhere quite unexpected.


  • 70Gold coin
  • 5,944,515 XP
  • 24 Vanguard Initiative Credits Vanguard Initiative Credits
  • Relic Fragment III
One of the following, determined by class:
List of Rewards
Edifilance Oriyn's Powerfists Axe of Knowledge Eurekannon Teaching Blade Wit & Wisdom Lesson Rippers Idealever Cognitive Leap Thymal Starblade Prolexia Discoverod Memory Aid


Mihogname is misspelled in the last quest objetive
